Procrastination is NOT Your Fault!
By Wendy | Productivity
Not now, not in the past, not ever.
No kidding here, I’m absolutely serious.
And even if you’re shaking your head and you don’t believe me, just notice how great it would feel to be able to honestly let yourself off the hook a little bit for all the times that you’ve procrastinated in the past.
Pretty liberating, right?
The truth is, as a human, you are absolutely designed to stall and put things off due to the layout of your brain and nervous system.
It’s all based on new discoveries in Neuroscience.
Only recently, (as in the last ten years or so) have scientists caught up with this new understanding of the profound ways in which we are all designed to procrastinate.
And yet this overwhelming tendency that we have to put things off, still isn’t widely known about, or discussed much in public.
So here’s what the latest science tells us:
“You are a 21st Century Human who is saddled with Caveman era brain and nervous system circuitry.”
Not now, not in the past, not ever.
No kidding here, I’m absolutely serious.
And even if you’re shaking your head and you don’t believe me, just notice how great it would feel to be able to honestly let yourself off the hook a little bit for all the times that you’ve procrastinated in the past.
Pretty liberating, right?
The truth is, as a human, you are absolutely designed to stall and put things off due to the layout of your brain and nervous system.
It’s all based on new discoveries in Neuroscience.
Only recently, (as in the last ten years or so) have scientists caught up with this new understanding of the profound ways in which we are all designed to procrastinate.
And yet this overwhelming tendency that we have to put things off, still isn’t widely known about, or discussed much in public.
So here’s what the latest science tells us:
“You are a 21st Century Human who is saddled with Caveman era brain and nervous system circuitry.”
Uh huh.
So the fact that you procrastinate and sometimes feel overwhelmed actually has surprisingly little to do with your character or your personal habits, or being lazy, or anything else.
Instead, it has everything to do with your brain and body’s operating system, and the fact that nobody ever gave you the proper operating manual to run them without undue interference.
Thankfully, we now know that there are ways to change your brain patterns through simple brain hacks that can easily and quickly improve your ability to follow through on each of your long held dreams and goals.
Uh huh.
So the fact that you procrastinate and sometimes feel overwhelmed actually has surprisingly little to do with your character or your personal habits, or being lazy, or anything else.
Instead, it has everything to do with your brain and body’s operating system, and the fact that nobody ever gave you the proper operating manual to run them without undue interference.
Thankfully, we now know that there are ways to change your brain patterns through simple brain hacks that can easily and quickly improve your ability to follow through on each of your long held dreams and goals.
By the way, if your parents or teachers or the nuns or anybody else ever told you bad things about yourself due to your procrastination, please know this:
They were very well intentioned, but not particularly well informed.
Scientists now know about powerful chemical cascades which keep your “stalling patterns” in place.
So every time you dread doing something, your body is actually making super-strong chemical signals that cause you to want to “put off doing that thing” that you’re dreading.
The fact is, this knowledge alone would have had a powerful course-correcting effect on our lives if we had learned it back in our 8th grade chemistry class.
But if you’re reading this now and you’re over the age of 18, then this new science hadn’t even been discovered back when you were in middle school.
(Don’t worry, it’s not too late for you. Please keep reading…)
Here’s the scoop:
Please call up a picture of your brain in your mind’s eye.
You’re picturing one big, grey squiggly brain, right?
That’s what most people think, but actually, it’s really three smaller brains stacked on top of each other.
And it’s the way that those 3 brains are communicating with each other and your nervous system that’s creating all of the difficulty.
Now your bottom two brains interpret all incoming information in just a few, very primitive ways.
They are:
Pain or Pleasure,
The “Four F’s”:
Food, fight, flight, and “fooling around” (in other words, sex.)
By the way, if your parents or teachers or the nuns or anybody else ever told you bad things about yourself due to your procrastination, please know this:
They were very well intentioned, but not particularly well informed.
Scientists now know about powerful chemical cascades which keep your “stalling patterns” in place.
So every time you dread doing something, your body is actually making super-strong chemical signals that cause you to want to “put off doing that thing” that you’re dreading.
The fact is, this knowledge alone would have had a powerful course-correcting effect on our lives if we had learned it back in our 8th grade chemistry class.
But if you’re reading this now and you’re over the age of 18, then this new science hadn’t even been discovered back when you were in middle school.
(Don’t worry, it’s not too late for you. Please keep reading…)
Here’s the scoop:
Please call up a picture of your brain in your mind’s eye.
You’re picturing one big, grey squiggly brain, right?
That’s what most people think, but actually, it’s really three smaller brains stacked on top of each other.
And it’s the way that those 3 brains are communicating with each other and your nervous system that’s creating all of the difficulty.
Now your bottom two brains interpret all incoming information in just a few, very primitive ways.
They are:
Pain or Pleasure,
The “Four F’s”:
Food, fight, flight, and “fooling around” (in other words, sex.)
That’s it.
So those brains interpret everything that you perceive in only these primitive ways:
Something to Eat
Something to Fight With
Something to Run Away and Hide From or
Something to Have Sex With.
Those are the only choices.
Also, there’s a factory installed alarm buried deep in the limbic center of your brain that’s connected to those two bottom brains.
And it’s getting tripped in large and small ways, all day long.
That’s nearly every day, for most people, too.
So the alarm and bottom two brains are constantly monitoring your day and deciding what is good for you, and what is threatening or dangerous.
And this is key:
Any time you feel dread, or inner resistance to doing something that you know you need to do, your bottom two brains and alarm have decided,
“NO!! That’s not good for you!” and they’ve created body chemistry to make you want to distract yourself and just put it off.
Now right here, most people ask, “Hey why can’t my top, logical brain keep all this from happening?
That’s because most of us mistakenly think that our “Top Brain” (the neocortex) is in charge.
(That’s your rational brain, btw, the one that can balance your checkbook, be logical and analyze things, etc.)
Anyway, we think that brain is the one that runs the show.
But scientists now know that that’s not true.
It turns out that all incoming information comes to your Bottom two brains first!
That’s all of it.
Every. Single. Time!
That’s it.
So those brains interpret everything that you perceive in only these primitive ways:
Something to Eat
Something to Fight With
Something to Run Away and Hide From or
Something to Have Sex With.
Those are the only choices.
Also, there’s a factory installed alarm buried deep in the limbic center of your brain that’s connected to those two bottom brains.
And it’s getting tripped in large and small ways, all day long.
That’s nearly every day, for most people, too.
So the alarm and bottom two brains are constantly monitoring your day and deciding what is good for you, and what is threatening or dangerous.
And this is key:
Any time you feel dread, or inner resistance to doing something that you know you need to do, your bottom two brains and alarm have decided,
“NO!! That’s not good for you!” and they’ve created body chemistry to make you want to distract yourself and just put it off.
Now right here, most people ask, “Hey why can’t my top, logical brain keep all this from happening?
That’s because most of us mistakenly think that our “Top Brain” (the neocortex) is in charge.
(That’s your rational brain, btw, the one that can balance your checkbook, be logical and analyze things, etc.)
Anyway, we think that brain is the one that runs the show.
But scientists now know that that’s not true.
It turns out that all incoming information comes to your Bottom two brains first!
That’s all of it.
Every. Single. Time!
So everything you see, hear, smell, taste or touch, goes through this filtering system FIRST, and it’s those bottom two brains and your alarm that are actually deciding what you should run to (pleasure/good) or run away from (pain/bad.)
And the wildest part is that none of this is logical based on our modern way of thinking about things.
So what triggers your primitive filtering system, you may ask?
It’s mostly associations that were installed in your brain before the age of two!
As in when you were pre-verbal.
As in ‘not at all your fault.’
Nor did you have any choice about what got installed there.
Those associations and triggers that are unique to you had a lot to do with your family of origin, and where and how you were raised, etc.
And even if you came from a completely loving and supportive family, the underground things that made your parents nervous or uptight, got handed down to you via mirror neurons and entrainment.
(That’s the unconscious way that we pick up the patterns from our earliest care givers.)
Okay, if you’re starting to feel overwhelmed just by reading this, I have some very good news:
So everything you see, hear, smell, taste or touch, goes through this filtering system FIRST, and it’s those bottom two brains and your alarm that are actually deciding what you should run to (pleasure/good) or run away from (pain/bad.)
And the wildest part is that none of this is logical based on our modern way of thinking about things.
So what triggers your primitive filtering system, you may ask?
It’s mostly associations that were installed in your brain before the age of two!
As in when you were pre-verbal.
As in ‘not at all your fault.’
Nor did you have any choice about what got installed there.
Those associations and triggers that are unique to you had a lot to do with your family of origin, and where and how you were raised, etc.
And even if you came from a completely loving and supportive family, the underground things that made your parents nervous or uptight, got handed down to you via mirror neurons and entrainment.
(That’s the unconscious way that we pick up the patterns from our earliest care givers.)
Okay, if you’re starting to feel overwhelmed just by reading this, I have some very good news:
1. The scientists have discovered new ways to painlessly re-wire your neural net for success and diminish the impact of those unconscious trigger associations and
2. This isn’t like therapy. (And while I personally think therapy can be extremely useful, this isn’t like that.) You don’t ever actually need to go back to the past and untangle why you have the triggers that you do, in order to release them and install new, more productive patterning.
So what are those new discoveries?
I’m happy to share them with you, but it’s beyond the scope of this short article to be able to demonstrate them properly for you, in any way that would give you the benefits from them that you deserve.
But never fear, I have a the Procrastination Cure here.
It takes only one hour to get the critical info that you’ve been missing, and reclaim your life to be lived the way that you want.
And afterward watching this short online Masterclass, you’ll be on your way to knowing what you need to do to re-train that Caveman era monitoring system, so that you can finally get into easy, productive, effortless action.
And since this is an article for people who wish to make money online, I’ve created this special training for you, in mind.
Finally, in case you’re wondering, the new ways to rewire your neural net for success that I’ll be revealing have nothing to do with any of these:
1. The scientists have discovered new ways to painlessly re-wire your neural net for success and diminish the impact of those unconscious trigger associations and
2. This isn’t like therapy. (And while I personally think therapy can be extremely useful, this isn’t like that.) You don’t ever actually need to go back to the past and untangle why you have the triggers that you do, in order to release them and install new, more productive patterning.
So what are those new discoveries?
I’m happy to share them with you, but it’s beyond the scope of this short article to be able to demonstrate them properly for you, in any way that would give you the benefits from them that you deserve.
But never fear, I have a free training on this here.
It takes only one hour to get the critical info that you’ve been missing, and reclaim your life to be lived the way that you want.
And afterward watching this short online Masterclass, you’ll be on your way to knowing what you need to do to re-train that Caveman era monitoring system, so that you can finally get into easy, productive, effortless action.
And since this is an article for people who wish to make money online, I’ve created this special training for you, in mind.
Finally, in case you’re wondering, the new ways to rewire your neural net for success that I’ll be revealing have nothing to do with any of these:
Positive Thinking
EFT (or tapping)
and Certainly not needing to have More Will Power!
Nope, not required at all, or even particularly useful.
This info that I have to share with you is radically different from what those self-help gurus have been telling you for years.
I promise you that these cutting-edge neuroscience brain hacks are unlike anything that you’ve ever heard about before.
And if you choose to join me for an hour, you’re going to feel an enormous amount of relief from what you discover.
Here’s a final question for you:
“If you had it all your own way, what would you like to have happen in the coming year?”
And what if it turned out to be so much easier to achieve all that than you ever thought possible?
It just might be much more within your easy reach now, if you choose to take advantage of what brain scientist’s currently know.
And please always remember, Procrastination is not your fault.
Isn’t it a relief to know that you don’t have to feel guilty about that any more?
I sure hope so.Affirmations
Positive Thinking
EFT (or tapping)
and Certainly not needing to have More Will Power!
Nope, not required at all, or even particularly useful.
This info that I have to share with you is radically different from what those self-help gurus have been telling you for years.
I promise you that these cutting-edge neuroscience brain hacks are unlike anything that you’ve ever heard about before.
And if you choose to join me for an hour, you’re going to feel an enormous amount of relief from what you discover.
Here’s a final question for you:
“If you had it all your own way, what would you like to have happen in the coming year?”
And what if it turned out to be so much easier to achieve all that than you ever thought possible?
It just might be much more within your easy reach now, if you choose to take advantage of what brain scientist’s currently know.
And please always remember, Procrastination is not your fault.
Isn’t it a relief to know that you don’t have to feel guilty about that any more?
I sure hope so.About the Author
Wendy Hart is an International Coach and Speaker who has helped thousands of clients on 6 continents dramatically increase their success at achieving their goals. Using cutting-edge brain science advances, she created the “Procrastination Cure System: 7 Sneaky Steps which Compel You to Follow Through (and if you have a business, make more money!)”
Clients routinely increase their follow through by 3 times or more, in 3 months or less, using 1/3rd or less of the effort they were using before. And all without using Will Power. For more information, go here.
About the Author
Wendy Hart is an International Coach and Speaker who has helped thousands of clients on 6 continents dramatically increase their success at achieving their goals. Using cutting-edge brain science advances, she created the “Procrastination Cure System: 7 Sneaky Steps which Compel You to Follow Through (and if you have a business, make more money!)”
Clients routinely increase their follow through by 3 times or more, in 3 months or less, using 1/3rd or less of the effort they were using before. And all without using Will Power. For more information, go here.